

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Environment

It is clear to see that our climate is changing due to the damage that we, as humans, have done to our own home, Earth. So what can you do and how easy can these be done? Here are some ways in which you can help the environment, some are simple day-to-day changes and some are more long-term.

The use of biofuels is a great, natural way to help the environment. The idea is to use natural fuels that are either a waste product or a natural substance from living things. Examples include methane from animals, liquids made from wood and wood itself as well as wood chippings and straw. Ethanol, biodiesel and other liquids are becoming more and more common in this day and age. Modern transport are ever-increasingly using this type of biofuel to help the environment. Hybrid cars are almost becoming a trend in society in doing your bit to aid sustainability. In the US, it is stated that the Renewable Fuels Standard aims to double the use of biofuels in the transport industry by 2012.

Do you really need that light on when you leave the room? Who is going to benefit from it? If the answer is nobody, then simply turn it off, since there is absolutely no reason to leave it on. The only thing you’re doing is using up essential energy that has an impact on the environment. Not only will you help the environment but also reduce your bills. Do you leave the tap running whilst brushing your teeth? Turn the tap off. Don’t forget, this includes electrical goods such as DVD players, TVs, your Playstation or Xbox360 – don’t even leave them on standby, since that little red light takes energy to glow, too. Saving the environment and reducing your bills at the same time, what could be better?

Have you heard of CFL bulbs? Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs last 10 times longer than regular bulbs, give off less heat and use up to two-thirds less energy. Over the life of the bulb, you could be looking at saving $30. Think about what you could do with $30. Again, not only are you reducing your electricity bill, you’re helping the environment.

Local authorities are constantly pushing for homeowners around the world to recycle and reuse where possible. In the UK, supermarkets are charging for plastic bags and encouraging the use of reusable and recycled bags, so why should you be different at home? Recycle those cardboard boxes that hold your cereal. Don’t throw your glass and plastic bottles in the bin anymore, put them out for recycling and you’ll be doing your bit to help the environment.

How many times have you driven into your local town to pick something up, when you could have easily walked for those 10 minutes? How about driving to work? Could you walk or share a vehicle with a co-worker or neighbor? If you have to drive, there are some things you can do still to reduce car emissions. Ensure your tyres are properly inflated and take out anything in your trunk that you don’t need, improving your mileage per gallon and you will also help the environment.

Today, saving the environment is at the forefront of many of our concerns. Many go the green way with a key objective of preventing the destruction of nature and safeguarding the environment against the harmful effects of human activities. With so much pollution and ecological imbalance, the current situation has become threatening. Imbalances are becoming alarming to even the best environmental specialists who are constantly trying to find ways and methods to save the environment which is gradually taking its toll on our quality of life. Therefore, it has become very important to take meaningful steps to save our planet. 

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